Friday, September 11, 2009

Sermon from the Mount???

As we left Kiosk and headed back to our cabin on the Mattawa we drove past a sign on the road in the middle of absolutely nowhere that proclaimed "Calvin Shrine, 14 Stations of the Cross" We knew we had to explore further so Richard obligingly swung the car and the trailer around and drove into the dirt road which lead into a clearing with a hill and crosses on one side and a rudimentary building with a roof and no walls on the other. Immediately in front of us was a gate and a path which led up the side of a hill towards three very large crosses. Heather was determined to discover the mysterious fourteen stations and so set off to climb the hill. She was unable to identify all 14 stations, but she did arrive at these “crosses on the mount” where she gave us a wave before rejoining us at the bottom of the hill.

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