Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Composting for Success

This year the Ministry ran a pilot composting project for the 10 days at the end of August and over the Labor Day weekend. Rick, Barb, Carolyn and I delivered these neat composting bags to all the cottages on the lake where we thought someone might be around during that period. The bags are made of corn starch and vegetable oil and decompose so that they can be tossed directly into a composting heap without any separation. The hope is that in the future we will be able to compost 60% of our waste, recyle 30% and have only 10% go to actual landfill. The Minsitry chose Cache Lake cottagers to start off the initial pilot and a quick peak at the garbage hut on our way out showed a pretty good pile of bags so hopefully we started off with a healthy participation and this project will be considered a success!

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