Monday, July 10, 2006

Wild Rose of Algonquin?

It’s not the “Wild Rose of Texas” but my wife and our friend Daphne both think it’s in the wild rose family. Whatever they are, there were masses of them along the Portage. I guess I’ve never walked the trail at this time of year because I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before. If you know what they are, drop me a line and I’ll post it here.

Received by email from Libby Otto: From the look of the leaves and the flower (was the plant very prickly?), I'd say it might be a blackberry - a member of the Rosacea (rose) family.

It was definitely prickly. Thanks Libby - if you're right then I'll be going for another walk in a few weeks and collecting some yummy berries!

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