Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lots of pictures

I have many more pictures of the cardboard canoe race and the regatta, so I've posted them all to a separate site for those who care to look at them. The cardboard canoe race can be found here and the regatta pictures can be found here.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Regatta 2009

This may be my biggest blog posting ever, but it was a fun filled weekend with lots of "photo ops" for the blog. Our Annual General Meeting was the kickoff event and for the first time ever it started under the protective shade of a big white tent. The tent itself was a huge success and will stay on site for Float Night and trophies next week. This year's AGM was well attended and started off a weekend filled with friendly competitions and social time for leaseholders.

Burger Fest

In addition to the tent, we also threw a burger barbecue for anyone who wanted to stay after the meeting. It turned out to be a big hit, with over 100 burgers flipped and consumed.

For Sale

Leaseholders line up to buy Cache Lake Hats and Cache Lake Maps prior to the meeting. Both can still be obtained by contacting Barb or Rick Rigby.

Cardboard Canoe Race

A weekend of community competitions began with the cardboard canoe race. Contestants are provided with cardboard and tape and given 30 minutes to design and build their watercraft. They are then judged on presentation, design and of course the results of the race itself.

They're off

There was lots of enthusiasm from all five crews and the newly launched vessels began to race.

Best floater

This boat proved to be the most seaworthy of all, but it's captain had a little navigation trouble along the way.

Roundng the Buoy

Despite what appears to be a close race while these boats round the buoy, neither of these boats floated long enough to cross the finish line - in fact only two of the five stayed above the water line!

Fair Winds

Last but not least of Saturday's activities is the sailing race - and what a race it was. Winds were high and several boats dumped more than once. Here the boats jockey for position before the final flag.

Staying afloat

Cousin Rick and friend Dick entered this year's regatta. Despite high winds and some serious heeling they managed to stay high and keep dry throughout the race.

Rick and Dick go sailing!

Looking pretty happy with their sail, Rick and Dick cross the finish line second overall and first in their class!

Ready, set, GO!

Sunday morning's events began with swimming and short course canoe races. This year's regatta was well attended with lots of competition in all age groups. This group of girls was quick off the mark!

Don't forget to breathe!

Small but determined

Some of the younger contestants in an early swimming race.

It's gonna be a close one!

You can do it!

Life Jacket contestants get a little encouragement as they near the finish.

Crab Race

The crab race is one of the "short course" events - no paddles allowed, these canoes are paddled by hands only.

Blind steering

The person is the stern still has more leverage but steering is a problem when you're facing the wrong way!


The gunwhale bobbing race requires superior balance and a willingness to get wet.

more bobbing

This sport clearly requires focus in addition to balance.

And more bobbing

Finishing the Guides

The final push at the end of a long and arduous race that takes participants across the lake to the old trestle where they leap out and run with their canoes along the old railroad bed before tossing their canoes back in the water for a final sprint across the finish line.

Afternoon Races

Spectators spectate, paddlers paddle and judges judge while others get ready for the next race

Ladies War Canoe

Ladies War Canoe

Men's War Canoe

Adults Mixed War Canoe

Across the finish line

A final push and they cross the line.

Architectural achievement

This is the best woodpile ever - constructed over the last week courtesy of our friend Andrew with hauling help from his family and supervision from various children!

Feeding Time

Snapped this little hummingbird about 2 minutes after filling the feeder. I guess it was past his lunchtime