Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life is Good

What could be better than being pushed around the lake in a comfy blow up rowboat on a sunny afternoon?

New Leaseholder Map

Finally - it took a while to get it organized, but here it is - the new Cache Lake Leaseholders Map. There are plain paper versions for those who just want a map and laminated versions for those who like them as placemats. Interested in acquiring??? Contact myself or Richard Rigby!

Cache Lake Map Maestro

This is Jean Ledoux, a talented and generous Montreal graphic designer who graciously donated his time and expertise to create our new lake map. Here he is proudly wearing the Cache Lake hat that was part of a small but heartfelt thank you!

Cache Lake Shines

Park Superintendant John Winters updates leaseholders on various Park issues. Here Cache Lake gets kudos for their stellar waste management percentages. With 65 percent of all waste going to recycling or organics, we are ahead of all other areas of the Park and the Park target of 60%. Cache Lake leaseholders - take a collective bow.

2009 APRA Meeting

This year the meeting took place at the Two Rivers East Beach Pavilion. For those who attended there was encouraging news. For those who didn't - contact your lake association!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Barbie Fishing Rods

Our friends the Kemps joined us for a long weekend and Amelia and Isabelle were kind enough to let me fish with their Barbie fishing rods. I think this may be my new facebook picture.

Off on an adventure

On Sunday afternoon, the girls set off with Carolyn and I for a little walk and paddle around Beaver Pond. Here they are, ready with their paddles to cross the trail.

Paddling the pond

Once we got to the other end we hopped in the canoe and went for an exploratory paddle around Beaver pond. We actually found a little creek to one side and followed it to it's end, picking a few lilies along the way.

It takes two to portage

On the way back, Amy helps to portage the canoe between Beaver Pond and Tanamakoon Lake. A couple more years and she'll be ready to carry by herself!

Mother and child

On a boat ride up the Madawaska we found this little loon hitching a ride on Mom's back.

Heron in the river

And this heron let us get unusually close. I thought for sure it would fly, but it stood very still, trying its very best to look like a stick while I circled close and got a series of close-ups.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

New addition

And here is the latest addition to the island - two sunshine yellow "sit on top" kayaks, just waiting for a couple of kids to take them for a spin.

Spring Cleaning

On the first weekend that it was really warm enough to work outside, Carolyn got to work sweeping away the spiderwebs.

Summertime, summertime

Finally warm enough for a beer on the dock!