Sunday, October 28, 2007

One last weekend

We got a taste of winter as we spent our last weekend before the lake freezes. This looks like fog in the picture, but it's actually one of the many snow squalls we had on Sunday. A great day for sitting by the fire.

Looks like winter

As we drove out the Park road, we found several spots where the snow had made some real accumulation. The next time we drive this road, it should look like this everywhere.

Another weekend with Jamie

Jamie and his adorable pooch joined us for our last fall weekend - a weekend sharing warm fires, good food and friendship.

All tidied up

We hadn't been over to the Rec Hall since regatta, so I hadn't seen the final clean up. I think this will probably be the end of the new trail. We like the big rocks they planted.

A very old fireplug on a very new trail

It's amazing what you see when you are looking for something different. I can't count how many time I've walked this path in my lifetime, and I don't recall ever noticing this old fireplug before. Having walked the trail today, but looking at it as a historical exhibit, I suddenly noticed this very old fireplug up in the woods. It's probably always been there.

A last walk in the woods

Carolyn heads down the trail towards our car as we end our last walk in the woods until the lake freezes over. Bye bye until the winter.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Splash of Orange - One Week Later

Last week was definitely the peak for color as most of the leaves had fallen between last week and this. Here is the "splash of orange" shot from last week - minus the leaves.

A carpet of needles

The leaves aren't the only things that have fallen in the last week. The forest floor is thick with needles as they turn brown and cover the ground.

Foggy night

When we arrived on Friday night, the sky twinkled with stars and the dock twinkled with frost. Later on the sky clouded over and we had a little snow. The water has gotten colder, but not colder than the night air, so we had some pretty thick fog on Saturday night - which you can kind of see in this picture.

A chilly kitchen

Since we didn't do any cooking in the kitchen, it was pretty chilly by the time Carolyn went to do dishes after dinner. A heavy terry cloth robe and her sheepskin vest helped keep her cozy while she washed up.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The warmest Thanksgiving ever!

Although the sun never shone all weekend, it was still the warmest Thanksgiving I have ever experienced! On a weekend where it often snows, we spent much of our time outside in shirt sleeves or in a light jacket. That meant we got to spend much of the weekend outdoors appreciating the spectacular fall colors. By this weekend, the reds had pretty much disappeared but they were replaced by striking oranges and golds. All in all the colors this year were pretty spectacular!

Emerging Artist

Well, we all found out what Ted does in his spare time when we were invited to view his summer's work. Here Ted explains his artistic process, surrounded by the paintings displayed for us in his cabin.

Thanksgiving swim

Although it wasn't the first time I had swum at Thanksgiving - it was certainly the warmest! The water was a balmy 64 degrees on Saturday, and 62 on Sunday.

Fishing Derby

This Thanksgiving the girls progressed to real fishing rods so here they get in a little casting practice with Mom.

A Hike on Head

The hardwood forests along the Head Lake trail made for a colorful walk.

Fun at the beach

Amy and Isabelle had a good time throwing pebbles and poking sand at the beach at the end of the Head Lake trail.

Art and Nature Project

Using leaves that she picked up on our hike to Head Lake, Amy creates a "montage" for Carolyn.

A Teepee on Wahbahmimi

Using a few old two by fours, some string, some branches and some imagination, Andrew and the kids built a teepee on the point.

A splash of orange

On the way out of the Park, we stopped to take a shot of this wonderful splash of orange as we came around the corner. For more pictures of Thanksgiving weekend, click here.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Fall Chores

After three weeks away (too long), we returned this weekend for a spectacular couple of days. The weather was sunny and warm, so I took the opportunity to install the storm windows in preperation for the cooler weather to come.

Fall Colors

The Park was in full color this weekend and the reds were really spectacular. There are still lots of yellows in the birches to come, but the reds appeared to be just after peak.

Blue Morning

I was up at 6 a.m. loading the smoker with ribs for lunch. Dawn was just beginning so I shot this picture of the blue light and a touch of mist rising from the lake.

Kingsleys in the fall

Peter, Catherine, Nicole and Benton paid us their first visit in the fall and so we had a family lunch of smoked ribs on the point and a fun round of the Harry Potter Mystery game before Carolyn and I had to return to Montreal. The Kingsleys were staying for a couple more days, so Carolyn and I also had the rare pleasure of walking out without closing up.

The trail progresses

Work on the new trail appears to be well underway, and a new sign at the head says it will be ready for 2008.