Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Food and Drink

4 adults, 3 days and two fridges full of food and drink. Jamie, Shawn, Carolyn and I start our fun-filled Labor Day weekend!


Those two fridges were full, but we managed to pretty much eat and drink everything in them by the time the weekend was over. Here are our two dinners - pulled pork, coleslaw, beans and corn the first night and grilled lamb, spinach with shallots and sweet potatoe in smoked poblano peppers the next. I think we will all be dieting for the rest of the week!

Good food, good friends!

Gathered around the table for our first dinner, we sat down to good food, and an evening filled with stories, singing and laughter.

Dog meet dog

The little dog in the middle is Jamie's new pup who paid his first visit to the island this weekend. His name is Trigger, but we think his name should be called Digger, after all the little piles of dirt we found this weekend. On Sunday, Whitney Brice brought her two dogs over for a doggie play date. Trigger may be smaller, but he's spunky and gave these two guys a run for their money. I would say a good time was had by all.

Bats in Daylight

We found these bats hiding behind the doors of Richard and Barb's duckhouse. In the first picture you see the bat hiding between the back of the closed door and the front wall of the duckhouse. In the second, we have opened the door and exposed the bat. He didn't like it much and took off in a surprise flight which caused some screaming from the peanut gallery as I took pictures. To watch the video (and hear the screams)click here.

Coon Damage!

Also on the wildlife front, it seems we have a raccoon on the island. We found our hummingbird feeder dragged about 15 feet from the tree and with this hole chewed through the top. Definitely not the work of squirrels. I had a live trap out all weekend, but either the raccoon had already vacated or he was too smart to sample my sardines!

The end of a wonderful weekend

The boat is loaded and we say goodbye to a great weekend. It was a perfect three days with wonderful company, wonderful food and wonderful weather!